Kodachrome - The granddaddy of films. Kodachrome offers rich, bright colors in an 40 EI film. This is a very fine grained high contrast color film. Looks real good in the original form but losses quality in the final print. (What doesn't?) but Kodachrome can take the loss of quality and still look good. Ektachrome: High speed (160 EI) speed color film. It has a lot of grain and lacks the sharpness of Kodachrome but is useful for shooting in low light situations. Below are some different types of Ektachrome: Ektachrome E/160: This film is balanced for accurate color for indoor/tungsten lighting (3200K) so use a #85 filter when shooting outside. Ektachrome 160 Type G: This film is for both indoor and outdoor filming without filtration. Therefore it doesn't look good in either. Indoor scenes are orangish and outdoor scenes are blueish. Maybe a good choice if you are shooting in mixed light conditions. Ektachrome EF7242: This film has a 125 EI but does not have notches in the cartridge so your camera will expose it as 160 EI film. The grain and resolution fall between 40 EI and 160 EI film. It is a type B emulsion balanced for 3200K lights so use a #85 filter when shooting outside. Ektachrome SM7244: This film was designed to be processed in Kodak's Supermatic 8 processor that can produce ready-to-project 50-foot length film in 15 minutes. It can be processed by normal means as well. It has a moody very luminesent look to it with very bright colors. Plus-X: Medium speed black and white film stock (Kodak Catalog #502-9087). Very little grain, nice contrast just all around good looking B&W footage. Use Plus-X for most normal daylight shoots. Tri-X: High speed black and white film stock (Kodak Catalog #502-9046). We definately recommend this particular stock. Really cool and grainy, (sp?) B&W filmstock. We would suggest that if you're shooting in broad daylight use Plus-X or shoot at F/22. |